Your First Visit
Not all people who receive cancer treatments experience hair loss, and it is a common – and very human – reaction to delay a decision about a wig, in the hope of being among the fortunate few that will not lose their hair. As difficult as it is to accept in advance the more likely outcome, we believe you should be prepared for a wig that is well fitting and natural-looking at this critical time.
Choosing a salon in which you have confidence is your first step, and this decision should be made as soon as possible. Be sure and go to the wig salon that has the largest inventory for you to choose from. It is very difficult (if not impossible) to choose the right color, length and style from a picture in a book. Your wig salon can give you the most help if they can see your hair’s natural texture, length, color and style. So, make your visit as soon as possible. If for any reason you are unable to visit a wig salon before hair loss begins, you can provide the wig stylist with a good current photograph.
Visiting your salon as early as possible also allows sufficient time to locate and order the wig you want if the salon does not have it in stock. Your better wig salons have access to top quality major manufacturers, and provide special orders services. PROFESSIONAL SALONS DO NOT REQUIRE PREPAYMENT OR A DEPOSIT ON SPECIAL ORDERS. You should pay only if what you special ordered is what you expected when it arrives.
DO NOT feel obligated to purchase a wig on your first visit. If you do happen to find the wig you want right away, be sure to get the color, number, style name and manufacturer’s name so you’ll know exactly what to ask for when you’re ready to purchase. The important issue is not to let a salesperson pressure you to buy before you’re 100 percent satisfied with your choice. Many people find exactly what they need on their first visit. The advantage of purchasing a wig as soon as possible is that you can get used to wearing and caring for the wig before your loss of hair.
Taking Someone With You
“Do I look natural?”
“Can you tell that I have on a wig?”
These are the two questions universally asked by our clientele. We’ve found that most of our customers feel better about their final selections when they have the assistance of a friend, husband or relative who knows them well enough to help make an honest judgment and answer the above questions. It is very difficult for a wig stylist that has never seen you to make a realistic judgment on how natural you look in a wig. The wig stylist can make judgments on the fit, how the style matches your facial shape, and how the color of the wig matches your skin color.
If possible, bring someone that knows you and can make a good judgment on how natural the wig looks. If you can’t bring someone with you make sure the salon is staffed with honest, caring professionals that can help you with your selection. Bring your phone so you can take pictures and text them to your friends/family to get their input. If you have a support person to assist you, be sure and ask them to make an honest judgment on:
How well does the color match? – (Go outside and check the color in the sun.)
Is the length OK?
Does the style match your own style?
You can see the front. Have someone else check the sides and back of the wig.
Does the wig look like a wig?
Be sure your support gives you a 100% honest opinion. After the wig stylist shows you how to wear the wig, make sure — you put the wig on. Then ask your support person the above questions. If it looks like a wig, ask the wig stylist to show you technique to wearing the wig so that it looks natural. Remember that the job of the wig stylist is to give you all the information you need to wear and care for the wig.
Choosing a Wig
Your choice of wigs will be between a human hair and a synthetic fiber wig.
Human hair will react just as your own hair does to humidity and other environmental conditions and will require daily styling. Human hair wigs can be made to your exact specifications, even accommodating any unusual coloring or uncommon coloring variances your own hair may have. It takes several weeks to custom make, and the cost will be about five to twenty times more than for a synthetic wig. Typically, most people opt for synthetic wigs, therefore, Mimi’s carries top quality synthetic wigs.
Synthetic wigs are more popular because they look natural yet require less care, are less expensive, and can give you the look you want. Today’s synthetic wigs look and feel like human hair, but they weigh much less. They are pre-styled, so you can choose a style and color and wear the wig the same day you purchase it. They come in virtually every style, length, color and color blend. Because synthetics do not lose their shape as human hair wigs do, they offer a lot of convenience. Synthetic wigs do vary in quality and this is generally reflected in their price. The advantages of a synthetic fiber wig far outweigh the advantages of a human hair wig and that’s why Mimi’s only carries top quality synthetic wigs.
Synthetic wigs have been manufactured for a specific style. Most (but not all) synthetic wigs can be minimally trimmed. You need to have an experienced, licensed wig stylist trim/cut your wig. If synthetic wigs have a shortcoming, it’s their sensitivity to extreme heat. Care should be taken to avoid heat while cooking. This includes the blast of heat from opening the oven door when you’re cooking or the heat from the dishwasher dry cycle, steam from boiling water and stir frying. Also, be careful not to let a cigarette or candle get too close.
When choosing a wig, remember that matching the color of your hair can sometimes be tricky because of the lighting inside a salon. Feel free to go outside and check the color in natural sunlight.
Let one of our professionals assist you.


More than wigs …. Head Accessories
You will quickly find that head accessories are just as important as your wig.
Finding the right wig is only half of your hair-loss challenge. What will you sleep in and what can you wear around the house and in the yard or when making your neighborhood trips to the cleaners and grocery store? Most people know what clothes they will wear for all of their activities but now need to consider what they will cover their head with. The options are limitless……hats, scarves, berets, pre-made head coverings, classic knotted turban and you can even combine a hat with a scarf. If you like a little “bling” many come in beautiful prints with a little (and sometimes a lot) bling on them. Professional salons carry a myriad of options to choose from. Be sure to survey your closet and get a good inventory of what colors and styles you think you may need. Some activities, like outdoor sporting activities, are best with a full coverage hat or a hat and scarf combination, especially in the Texas summer heat. Other activities, like doctors office visits, chemo, or lounging around the house may call for a sleep cap, pre-made head covering or soft pre-tied scarf. You may not always feel like wearing your wig so it’s important to consider other options and keep an open mind if you have never been a “hat person”.
Make sure your wig salon has sleep caps, scarves, pre-tied scarves, soft hats, comfort hats, kerchiefs, straw hats, turbans of all colors and styles, and other head wear. Be sure to contact the salon in advance to make sure they have the selection you need.
Choosing Your Wig Salon
If this is your first experience with a wig, you should look for a full service wig salon that will provide you with:
Experienced, licensed Cosmetologists
Knowledgeable and caring sales personnel
Large wig inventory
Free consultations
Private areas for consultations and fittings
Accessories including, a large variety of head coverings, combs/brushes, wig care products such as shampoo, conditioner and hair spray, wig stands, and other items you may need.
Professional styling
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to choose a wig from a catalog or picture on the internet. Colors and color blends, styles and lengths are never the same as the picture. You have no idea about the fit or the weight of the wig until you try it on. For these reasons it is imperative that you visit the wig salon that will provide you with the largest inventory of wigs to look at. — Remember that you may need a wig that is not in inventory. If so, the wig salon should order the wig for you at no charge and with no commitment from you to purchase the wig when it arrives unless it is exactly what you want. NEVER PREPAY FOR A WIG.
Look for a salon that has three way mirrors that allow you to see all sides of your wig.
Mimi’s Wig Boutique will trim and customize your wig for free, when you purchase the wig. Remember that if you ask to have a wig cut or trimmed, you will have to purchase the wig.
You should insist that your wig salon have a “No Return” policy, which protects you against any communicable disease that may have been transmitted by a previous wearer. The salon should require that you wear a single use liner that they provide for free. For this reason do not be pressured to purchase a wig. Take your time with your decision.
Make several visits to the wig salon. Remember, the wig salon is there to help you, not to pressure you. The salon should allow you to try on all the wigs that interest you (including all display wigs) and should help you determine proper fit, style and color.
They should show you how to wear and care for the wig.
How do you properly size and fit a wig?
How do you keep your wig on?
How do you clean a wig?
What products do you use to wash and condition a wig?
Should you use hair spray?
If so, what type of hair spray should you use?
Can you trim or cut the wig?
NEVER PAY A CONSULTING FEE. The wig salon should give you all information and instruction at no charge.
In the state of Texas, sales tax is not charged for wigs if you sign a Texas ‘Tax Exempt Certificate’ that states you have hair loss due to a medical condition. The wig salon should give a ‘Tax Exempt Certificate’ to you.
One of your best sources for information about a wig salon is to:
1. Ask your friends about wig salons.
2. Ask your hairdresser.
3. Contact your local American Cancer Society. They usually have a vendors list.
4. Visit several salons.
5. Ask your doctor and nurses.
Caring For Your Wig
If this is your first experience with a wig, you should look for a full service wig salon that will provide you with:
Experienced, licensed Cosmetologists
Knowledgeable and caring sales personnel
Large wig inventory
Free consultations
Private areas for consultations and fittings
Accessories including, a large variety of head coverings, combs/brushes, wig care products such as shampoo, conditioner and hair spray, wig stands, and other items you may need.
Professional styling
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to choose a wig from a catalog or picture on the internet. Colors and color blends, styles and lengths are never the same as the picture. You have no idea about the fit or the weight of the wig until you try it on. For these reasons it is imperative that you visit the wig salon that will provide you with the largest inventory of wigs to look at. — Remember that you may need a wig that is not in inventory. If so, the wig salon should order the wig for you at no charge and with no commitment from you to purchase the wig when it arrives unless it is exactly what you want. NEVER PREPAY FOR A WIG.
Look for a salon that has three way mirrors that allow you to see all sides of your wig.
Mimi’s Wig Boutique will trim and customize your wig for free, when you purchase the wig. Remember that if you ask to have a wig cut or trimmed, you will have to purchase the wig.
You should insist that your wig salon have a “No Return” policy, which protects you against any communicable disease that may have been transmitted by a previous wearer. The salon should require that you wear a single use liner that they provide for free. For this reason do not be pressured to purchase a wig. Take your time with your decision.
Make several visits to the wig salon. Remember, the wig salon is there to help you, not to pressure you. The salon should allow you to try on all the wigs that interest you (including all display wigs) and should help you determine proper fit, style and color.
They should show you how to wear and care for the wig.
How do you properly size and fit a wig?
How do you keep your wig on?
How do you clean a wig?
What products do you use to wash and condition a wig?
Should you use hair spray?
If so, what type of hair spray should you use?
Can you trim or cut the wig?
NEVER PAY A CONSULTING FEE. The wig salon should give you all information and instruction at no charge.
In the state of Texas, sales tax is not charged for wigs if you sign a Texas ‘Tax Exempt Certificate’ that states you have hair loss due to a medical condition. The wig salon should give a ‘Tax Exempt Certificate’ to you.
One of your best sources for information about a wig salon is to:
1. Ask your friends about wig salons.
2. Ask your hairdresser.
3. Contact your local American Cancer Society. They usually have a vendors list.
4. Visit several salons.
5. Ask your doctor and nurses.